Wednesday, April 29, 2015

General Health Benefits Of Ingesting Colloidal Silver

By Stella Gay

History has shown that the rich outlived the poor in large numbers during the Bubonic Plague, and many believe it was due to the fact that their food and drink was always served in silver goblets and bowls. While modern medical professionals will not admit openly that this is true, a detailed look at history reveals the fact. Those who follow a more traditional system of health maintenance stand firm in their belief that this is just more proof that there are health benefits to colloidal silver.

History has often cited that the aristocracy lived in larger numbers due to better nutrition and cleanliness. The fact of the matter is that even the very wealthiest in society had to be wary of accusations of witchcraft. Housecats who would have killed the flea-ridden mice who spread this disease were killed on-sight, and bathing was regarded as sinful vanity and viewed with suspicion.

Their clothing was often much cleaner than their bodies. People at this time had gotten the notion that lice were good luck, and fleas in the bed kept one from having impure thoughts. Leave it to fundamentalist Christianity to bring about a dark age of ignorance, paranoia, and overall backwards thinking.

It was tradition and a sort of vanity of lifestyle which allowed the aristocracy to continue eating and drinking from sterling. People from the Renaissance may have had some knowledge, now lost, telling them that this material promoted good health. However, the unwashed masses of Dark-Age Europe did not knowingly seek to protect their health in this way.

One cannot say that none of the wealthy families within that society fell victim to plague. However, when compared to the peasantry, a greater percentage of the gentry survived the Plague despite having similar habits. Even more telling is the fact that members of the Christian Priesthood who also had the luxury of eating and drinking from sterling, the monks and nuns who tended to victims of both leprosy and plague, survived in a vast larger percentage than the peasants.

In recent years more attention has been paid to the science behind the survivability, and there is no doubt that it points to the use of sterling as an eating and drinking receptacle. Turns out, sterling in microscopic doses has antibacterial as well as antiviral and antifungal properties. This makes it possibly the most effective preventative medicine ever used.

Limited research has been performed, and seems to back up this widely held theory. However, there are no universities willing to provide funding for this research, as it acts in opposition to the wishes of pharmaceutical companies who provide much of their funding. If the pharmaceutical giants are doing active research on this, it is being kept quiet.

One is given to ponder this metal and the well-established qualities attributed to it. The pharmaceutical industry is known for taking compounds out of nature and synthesizing them into a chemical with a consistent dose in pill form. If they have found a way to synthesize silver, then they have either placed Pandora back in a box, or they have opened a massive can of worms.

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