Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Skin Dangers: Are Chemical Peeling Side Effects Hurting Everyone?

By Jeff Kappel

Are there chemical peeling side effects that you should be made aware of? Well, of course. Just like anything chemical peels such as glycolic acid peels have their very own set of pros and cons. Chemical peels are becoming ever more popular now with the availability of at home peel kits and the benefit of being able to clean up some of the most common skin conditions that we experience in today's world.

One of the first warnings that you will hear from most anyone regarding the dangerous of chemical peels is that you should do you best to avoid any and all excess exposure to the sun for a few days after your chemical peel was applied. Even though it might seem like a bit of an inconvenience this is a major step in clearing up your skin tone.

One of the most common beginner mistakes when it comes to chemical peels is that a first time user will end up choosing too potent of a chemical peel. It's suggested that if you have sensitive skin or haven't applied a peel before that you stick to a smaller concentration between 10%-20%.

Depending on the severity of your skin condition or how pervasive the skin problem might be, there is a chance that you will need to do more than one treatment to help eradicate the problem. Typically you will see people repeat the chemical peel about every 30 days or so, but once again this is all dependent on your skin type and how it reacts to the peel. It's important that you give your skin time to heal.

It's also common for someone to experience some uncommon itching on the treated area after the chemical peel for just a few days after. It's advised that you don't pick, poke, and pull at your skin and let it naturally exfoliate itself so that you don't cause and scaring or excessive redness to your skin.

With all that being said, you know have a basic understanding of what you can expect as far as minor side effects from chemical peels. All in all, if you apply a proper skin care regime and follow the instructions as directed for the peel then you will significantly increase your chances of avoiding the side effects and noticing much more clear, clean, healthy, and young looking skin than you've seen in quite some time.

These chemical peels are relatively simple to apply on your own with the at home kits, but if you run into any confusion you can always get in contact with a qualified skin care professional. More and more people are enjoying applying the chemical peel in the privacy of their own home since they are typically self conscious about their skin conditions the way it is.

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